Simply Celebrate Blog Post: There was even a ginormous potato!
July 10

Simply Celebrate Blog Post: There was even a ginormous potato!

A couple weeks ago, I got to spend a few days with my good friend, Maggie.

It would have been great to spend time with her under any circumstances, but what made this extraordinary is that Maggie and I were beta testing an idea I've had for a long time.

Maggie and I were on retreat together.

We didn't just go to art museums and sip wine — though we did that, too! — we were intentional about creating space for Maggie to get clear on who she is and what she wants from her life.


For a long time, I'd been wondering if I could take someone on a personal retreat akin to the ones I create for myself every quarter when I go to a little one-room cabin in Los Altos with no phone service or internet.

Could I bring the elements of coaching, intention-setting, dreaming, meditation, play, celebration, and appreciation so that others can experience the clarity, connection, and calm I feel about my life when I come back from retreat? 


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