Your Magical Home/ Calling Down the Sisterhood: Invoking Goddesses in Your Spellwork
January 20

Your Magical Home/ Calling Down the Sisterhood: Invoking Goddesses in Your Spellwork

Aradia: Lunar Protectress
She is the Italian “Queen of the Witches” who descends to earth to preserve the magic of the goddess, Diana, her mother. Through Aradia’s lineage, she is also a lunar deity. She is affiliated specifically with Dianic Wicca. Aradia is an excellent goddess to invoke for protection for any moon rituals you perform or create. 

Artemis: Queen of the Moon
She is the Greek goddess of the moon. In her Roman form as Diana, she is the deity to whom Dianic witches and priestesses are devoted. She is a bringer of luck, the goddess of the hunt, and a powerful deity for magic and spell work. As the huntress, she can help you search out anything you are looking for, whether it is tangible or intangible. As a lunar deity, she can illuminate you. Invoke Artemis when you want to practice moon magic, and study her mythology further to design original lunar ceremonies. Enshrine her to bring good luck. 

Athena: She Who Knows All
She is a goddess who rules both wisdom and war. Athena is a deity to invoke if you are doing ceremonies for peace, learning, protection, or any work-related issues. She can help you overcome any conflict with friends, families or foes.


-Becca Anderson


Continue reading the full list of goddesses that bring aid, strength, and other special qualities here.