Witches & Pagans/ Spice Up Your Life: A Cup of Love
January 31

Witches & Pagans/ Spice Up Your Life: A Cup of Love

Heat things up in your life without delay with this cup of love.

Gather together:

Cinnamon spice tea (from a shop) or 3 chopped cinnamon sticks

A teaspoonful of ground cinnamon (or 3 more sticks ground in your mortar and pestle

A cup of hot water

1 teaspoon honey

Brew and steep the tea for at least 3 minutes. Stir in the honey and savor the sweet, spicy smell. Drink it while contemplating your hopes, intention and dreams for a happy, healthy love life. Now, sprinkle the powdered version of this charismatic spice on the threshold of your front door and along your entry path. When the cinnamon powder is crushed underfoot, its regenerative powers will help you start a fresh chapter in your love life. 


View the full blog here.