Witches & Pagans/ Find Your Celestial Essence: Astrological Herbs
February 13

Witches & Pagans/ Find Your Celestial Essence: Astrological Herbs

Floral waters and flower essentials express emotional benefits differently and each has special healing application, As we can tell from the mass popularity of Bach’s Rescue Remedy, they work wonderfully to abet emotional health, mental outlook and positivity. The specific of these curatives can be pretty direct For example, the flower Impatiens helps those who struggle with impatience. Magical, right?  Below you'll find one flower essence for each of the 12 signs. Read yours and learn what can work for you:

Aries: Impatiens Renewal for  Rams

High energy Aries and race forward as they blaze new trails. Patience is not their strong suit  When the going gets tough, they just race forward, never stopping, However, this can also be a major source of undue stress and strain, try Impatiens flower essence and you’ll discover a wellspring of fortitude

Taurus: Chestnut Bud Benefits for Bulls

Home, financial and  Security-loving  Taureans prefer safe harbor and no surprises. This routinized life can lead to getting into a bit of a rut and sameness. Freshen up your day to day with Chestnut Bud.

Gemini: Madia Mental Magic for Twins

Curious Geminis are can overwork their brains with all the research and thinking to the point of over thinking. Preserve your intellectual power with mental-boosting.  Madia may be a great flower essence to try, as it's said to calm the waves of a wandering mind.


Discover more astrological herbs here