Upjourney / The Benefits of Reading (According to 26 People Who Read Every Day)
March 11

Upjourney / The Benefits of Reading (According to 26 People Who Read Every Day)

“A library is a hospital for the mind.”

– Anonymous

I think when someone said, “good things come in small packages,” they were definitely referring to books.

Books are an incredible way to not only free your mind but also to fill it with knowledge, adventure, and inspiration at the same time.

There used to be a time where I would tell myself I was too busy to read or maybe even more accurately, wouldn’t give myself permission to read during the day because I felt that there were more important things to do.

But after witnessing a former girlfriend of mine who was an avid reader open up a book whenever she had a free moment, I cut myself some slack and began to really find the value in books.

I didn’t always need to be in “action” mode during the day and books helped me relax when I took short reading breaks. For me, it’s become another form of meditation.

While I do read some during the day, I especially like to read at the end of it. It’s a great way to refresh my system, rest my brain and calm my nerves before bedtime.

Growing up, I used to love to read children’s mystery books like The Hardy Boys series and Encyclopedia Brown. That morphed into tales of survival. I was always fascinated by those stories.

That is probably where I started to develop a love for history better than letting your imagination come alive as you bring a book to life in your mind. I have also always enjoyed a good biography. I find them interesting, educative and inspiring.

Pick up a book and get lost in it; nothing better than letting your imagination come alive as you bring a book to life in your mind.


Original post (and other benefits) here!
