Up Journey / Why Public Speaking Is Important
November 05

Up Journey / Why Public Speaking Is Important

"Develop communication skills at any age. It will serve you well in business and life" - Debra Eckerling, author of Your Goal Guide, discusses the importance of public speaking in a new Up Journey article: https://upjourney.com/why-is-public-speaking-important-for-leaders-and-in-business


Debra Eckerling

Founder, The DEB Method & Write On Online | Author, Your Goal Guide

Public-speaking skills are essential for anyone in business. Master the ability to communicate, and you can handle yourself in nearly any situation.

When you can express yourself, you are better at networking and negotiating, as well as presentations, sales, and leadership.

The best way to improve verbal and written communication is practice. Whereas there are plenty of opportunities for young people to develop speaking skills – through classes, clubs, and leadership – there are options for adults as well. Check out Toastmasters, participate in pitch and networking events, or join a mastermind group with trusted peers.

Develop communication skills at any age. It will serve you well in business and life.
