Motivated Mom / 30 Ways To Gratitude In 30 Day Challenge
November 04

Motivated Mom / 30 Ways To Gratitude In 30 Day Challenge

Having a life full of gratitude can change your life in so many ways, in fact, I’ve got an entire blog post about that very topic right over here. It’s amazing how much gratitude can do for you. But, it isn’t always easy to find gratitude which is where journaling comes in. A gratitude journal is an incredibly beneficial tool for improving your life, but it isn’t always easy to get started. Sometimes those blank pages can be so daunting you don’t even want to begin.


That’s why I’ve put together this 30-day challenge to help you get started on the process of writing in a gratitude journal every day. These writing prompts will help you understand gratitude on a deeper level and they also include doing good things and analyzing the emotions around them. As you develop a deeper understanding of gratitude the prompts become a little more challenging. All of this in order to prepare you for your long life of gratitude journaling. Without any further delay, here is your 30-day gratitude challenge.


The 30-Day Gratitude Challenge Questions


  1. What is one of your favorite memories?
  2. How has modern medicine helped you or someone you love?
  3. What worry did you recently have that didn’t come to pass?
  4. What are you Most Grateful for in Your City?
  5. Write about something you’re looking forward to.
  6. Write about the most useful gift you’ve ever received and how it has helped you.
  7. Pay for the Coffee of the Person Behind You in Line and Write About Their Reaction and How It Made You Feel
  8. What is your favorite holiday?
  9. What beautiful thing did you see today?
  10. Did you create goodness today?
  11. Write about the last time you smiled uncontrollably.
  12. Is there someone or something you feel like you take advantage of?
  13. What is something you love or appreciate about your body?
  14. Send a Card to an Elderly Relative
  15. What made you feel good today?
  16. You’re more than halfway through! What does gratitude mean to you?
  17. Pick 5 things you’re grateful for using all 5 of your senses.
  18. List 3 things that you need to teach your children about gratitude?
  19. What are you most grateful for today?
  20. What painful moment in your life are you most grateful for?
  21. Double Your Waitress’ Tip and Write About How it Made You Feel
  22. Count your blessing today.
  23. Who are you most grateful for in your life?
  24. Write about the last act of compassion you witnessed and how it made you feel.
  25. Write about something you are passionate about, especially detailing why it is so important to you.
  26. What life lesson are you most grateful for?
  27. Write a letter to your cell phone, explaining why you’re grateful for it.
  28. Compliment a Stranger and Write How You Felt
  29. Write a Thank You Note to Yourself
  30. Write how this challenge has made you feel over the last 30 days. Will you continue?

I will be sharing tips and ways to foster an environment of gratitude in your home and everyday life.  Please invite your friends to join the 30-day challenge. Let’s get started!!!


© LaToyia Dennis ~ Motivated Mom
