Her View From Home/ Living FULL
January 19

Her View From Home/ Living FULL

To my sensitive child,

I don’t think sensitive means weak. Society may, but I think you are actually strong because to feel everything is a big responsibility. You are the one that will deal with everyone’s downs, because being able to do that, to feel others pain and take care of them, is who you are.

But don’t worry, as your mama, I will guide you.

I can guide you through the rough waters of life because I have been there too. I am highly sensitive and have felt misunderstood or “different” because of that. I will never let you feel alone in those emotions because I am you.

I will help you pick up healthy coping mechanisms to deal with those intense emotions. I know sometimes they can be all-encumbering, but I will not let them bring you down. I will help you find an outlet, a healthy release. If you need an ear, I will always be here to listen.

I will bestow onto you some wisdom I have picked up in my years of practice-- such as you can’t save people from themselves. You can try, but you sometimes have to let people go, because if you don’t, it may be harmful to your own well-being. And, I will teach you that your own well-being is so important because highly sensitive people often forget about their individual needs.

I will never have to worry about how you will treat others. You will always lead with kindness, sharing your toys and heart. You’re in tune to others emotions. I lay down on the floor stretching my back, and you think I’m hurting and your reaction is tears. You want everyone to be happy around you. You make it your mission.

Others may try to take advantage of your good nature. They may start to clean their dirty feet on you, using you as a doormat.

But don’t worry, as your mama, I will guide you. I will not let them wipe their dirty toes off on you and make you feel small. I will make sure you protect yourself.

But you will be such a gift to your family and friends. You are the kind of person that is always there for loved ones. You will realize when your loved ones are feeling off without them having to tell you, and that will be your cue to make them feel better with your caring heart.

My sensitive child, to be able to put yourself in the shoes of others struggling and feel what they feel is a strength. To know who people are quickly is a strength. That is why you are strong.

But if you ever feel overwhelmed, don’t worry, as your mama, I will guide you.

*We love this post from Living A FULL Life

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