Authority Magazine/ “Here Are 5 Things Anyone Can Do To Optimize Their Mental Wellness”
January 27

Authority Magazine/ “Here Are 5 Things Anyone Can Do To Optimize Their Mental Wellness”

I would invite everyone to step outdoors and practice Presence in nature. Hmmm, have you heard me say that before?! It is such a simple thing (although nature may be a balcony at your apartment, buying a plant for your home, or cuddling with your dog in the winter) that has a tremendous impact on our well-being. It gives our mind peace and fills us with joy. Putting those two practices together is amazing. And they’re mostly free. When we feel that peace and happiness within, we’re much more likely to make a difference in the world. One by one, we can make a difference by “first putting on your own oxygen mask”, as they say when you’re on an airplane. Fill yourself with meaningful, healing experiences; then, when you’re full, you’ll have the overflow to share with others.


Read the full article here