Witches & Pagans/ Middle Earth Magic: Inspired Ideas and Seasonal Spells for Your Enchanted Life
January 23

Witches & Pagans/ Middle Earth Magic: Inspired Ideas and Seasonal Spells for Your Enchanted Life

This simple and easy recipe makes a very fine tincture with many medicinal uses. I also suggest you start keeping clean muslin or cheesecloth, big jars and several colored glass bottles and canning jars with lids for storing your handiwork.

Gather together:

1quart canning jar

Muslin or cheesecloth a six-inch square

 6 ounce colored storage jar that seals [size?]

Label and pen

1 ¼ cup dried skullcap

2 cups apple cider vinegar (or 1 cup vodka and 1 cup water)


Put the dried skullcap in the quart canning jar [quart canning jar?] and carefully pour the vinegar inside. Stir well and seal. Place on a dark shelf and shake once a day. After a month, strain through muslin or cheesecloth. Compost the herbal residue in your garden and store the tincture in a colored and sealable glass jar. Lastly label it and I like to add the astrological information along with phase of the moon. You maybe also want to record this in your Book of Shadows as it will be helpful; to you and your family to know that tinctures made in the New Taurus Moon have the most healing power for you, or whichever it turns out to me.  Having this herbal helper around will greatly alleviate anxiety and a downward spiral of moods. Even better, it also comes in handy as mouthwashes, hair rinses, ritual baths and even as a rub for achy joints and sore muscles. For a cup of skullcap tea, add one teaspoon of the tincture into a cup of hot water, add a teaspoon of honey, stir and enjoy. Your tincture will keep for a year but you’ll probably use it up much sooner! This kind of kitchen witchery always reminds me of how lucky we are for Mother Nature’s. Expressing our gratitude to her adds a sacred aspect to this healing work.


Full post here.