Witches And Pagans/  Make Your Own Herbal Vinegar
November 21

Witches And Pagans/ Make Your Own Herbal Vinegar

If you love everything about lavender, you may well want to create your own lavender vinegar. Many herbs make for excellent vinegars so pay attention to which ones are especially appealing with you as you go about your gardening. The more herbs you pack into the jar, the higher the mineral content in your vinegar which makes it more flavorful and healthful. Once you have your own apple cider vinegar or a premade organic kind you and your family love, pick an herb you know works for you and pack a quart canning jar as full as you can. Pour room temperature apple cider vinegar to cover and seal with paper and bands and pop back on the dark corner shelf for six weeks, giving a shake once a week. At the end of the infusion period, strain out any remaining compostable twigs or stems that remain, if any and store in colored bottle and add a pretty label. These make wonderful gifts so I recommend you get a set of labels for all your herbal brews. Nearly any plant or herb can used in homemade vinegars. Check this list for your next batch of brew:

Anise Seeds & Leaves: soothes cramps and aches
Caraway Seeds:  aids in romantic issues, helps with colic
Catnip Leaves:  makes women even more attractive
Chamomile Flowers: helps with sleep, good for abundance

Dandelion Leaves: makes wishes come true
Echinacea: makes the body strong
Ginseng Root: increases men’s vigor
Nettle Leaves:  lung function, hex breaking
Peppermint Leaves: rids tummy discomfort, cleansing
Pine Needles: increases skin health as well as financial health 
Rose Hip Fruit: packed with vitamin C and can halt colds and flu

Sage Leaves:  purifies energy, antibiotic 
Skullcap Leaves: prevents insomnia and soothes nerves

 St. John’s Wort: antidepressant 
Thyme Leaves: antiseptic, a protectant 
Yarrow Flowers: reduces fever, brings courage and good luck
