The Harried Housewife/ Cinnamon Chip Pancakes
February 28

The Harried Housewife/ Cinnamon Chip Pancakes

Homemade pancakes are a delightful way to start the day, but if you like the taste of cinnamon, they can be even better. By simply stirring cinnamon chips into the batter, it’s easy to add spicy flavor to a stack of tender pancakes.

Ideal for a Mother’s Day celebration or a leisurely weekend breakfast, this recipe for Cinnamon Chip Pancakes is a family-pleasing favorite. Look for bags of cinnamon chips in the baking aisle of most large supermarkets. Aromatic and delicious, they can be added to a variety of recipes such as breads, cakes, and cookies.

Keep a stash of cinnamon chips on hand along with other pantry staples, and you will be able to whip up a batch of mouthwatering pancakes in no time.


Find the recipe here
