Superior Self/ Welcome friends, family, and tribe!
November 16

Superior Self/ Welcome friends, family, and tribe!

This is newsletter #185...

Happy Monday! My new book is now available for purchase. Please visit your favorite book store, library, or on-line retailer and pick up HAPPY HEALTHY YOU. Click here!

This week my YouTube video is about big dreams can be met with tiny actions. Why do we allow really young kids to dream fantastic careers and encourage them to be the astronaut or firefighter, and then as time goes on, we tell our teenagers their dreams of being a super star aren't realistic? The encouragement and enthusiasm from their early childhood is fuel that needs to be replenished with love as time goes on. Keep feeding the fire and telling our loved ones, and ourselves, yes we can, at any age and any stage in our lives. It is with a positive attitude and baby steps that we will attain those big goals. Click here to see the video.

This week my blog for you is about ginger. Learn more about ginger and its health benefits. Click here to read the blog.

The Generosity campaign needs more donors! If you would like to learn  more help support my free wellness workshops, click here! 

I want to hear from you. Please share my work by liking and posting links on your social media pages and bringing my messages to family and friends! My workshops are open to all! 

KJ Landis

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Great Deals Links: Please Click to Read
More and Join Forces! My books are available at Folio Books, SF, and Books Inc., SF.

Buck Books: Click here!
Amazon Author: Click here!
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Google Books: Click here!
