Superior Self /  Kids and Yoga
September 12

Superior Self / Kids and Yoga

I am a personal trainer, a wellness coach, a workshop facilitator, and a Bikram yoga practitioner for over six years. I teach hot classic Pilates and Pop Pilates.

At my yoga studio they offer all people under the age of 15 free yoga, so I dragged my kids to the yoga studio every Sunday for two years and all throughout the summer. At first my kids went because they knew it would make me happy. Then they wanted to see if each other would fail at the hot yoga practice. Finally, they went because they enjoyed the heat of the room, the sweat,the challenge, and the calmness with which they left the room afterwards. Let's be honest here. I also took them out to lunch afterwards!

I believe it is important for kids to learn self-discipline and patience with themselves, especially as they learn more difficult poses. Because kids are so active, the hardest pose for my children was the dead man’s pose, which is lying completely still and not moving at all. It is called Sivassana. Going to yoga on a regular basis teach children how to watch themselves grow better and better at something that is not competitive. It teaches them to turn inward and to be quiet.

This teaches me, as a parent, how to practice patience with them as well. I’m learning through watching their growth how to hold my tongue when frustrated (although we all lash out now and again).

I suggest if parents want to take their kids to any yoga class, first seek out the department of parks and recreation in any community. Usually classes are free or very inexpensive. Lots of gyms have yoga for kids and the public school system in many cities offer yoga as a way to take a quick break between classes or as a gym class alternative. I know 24 hour fitness offers yoga for all ages in the San Francisco area. Check your local clubs for offerings.

I hope this helps your family.
KJ Landis 





Original post found here.
