Spirituality Health/ Desire: Are You Content or Simply Settling?
February 13

Spirituality Health/ Desire: Are You Content or Simply Settling?

Contentment and gratitude are virtues. If we are lucky enough to live in a place where we have access to healthy food, clean water, and health care, we certainly have a lot to be grateful for. Contentment means being OK with the life we have to live, understanding that who we are is already enough, and giving up the greedy striving for some vague and pointless more. 

Then there’s desire. Desire is the feeling that there is something more out there for us, something bigger, something that has meaning and wants to drive us forward in our lives. That energy is powerful enough to make us willing to take risks. Going after our desires is incredibly rejuvenating: When we know what we want, we know exactly what we must do. It’s a delightful position of power.

Wanting something, however, can also be incredibly vulnerable. Desire points us toward what is missing in our lives, and that missing piece can be scary to admit to and painful to look at; it’s much easier to settle.


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