NGE / Say It Now Book Review from @kleffnotes
November 12

NGE / Say It Now Book Review from @kleffnotes

We never know just how much time we will get with someone. A loss can happen in a number of ways, but through Say It Now you will be given the tools to help you share your love and care for others without fear or hesitation. Sherry Richert Belul helps you to put your feelings into words and even actions through her collection of activities within this book.

Say It Now share 33 creative ways to say I love you to those that you care about most in your life. Belul runs a company called Simply Celebrate and through her work people hire her to help them celebrate the people they love in their lives through personalized gifts. While she runs this company this does not mean that she is a constant source of happiness and creativity, she discusses how gift-giving was something that helped her to work through some of her darkest moments. Through her own growth she has been able to find ways that allow others to share their love and perhaps even work through their own dark moments by helping others.

Even if you aren’t the most creative or art savvy person in the world, the activities in this book will allow you to show your love. These activities vary in difficulty and as you go through the book you can choose from things like joy jars, tribute videos, or even love letters. You can read this book from start to finish or start on a random page, either way you will find something that you can work on and create for someone you love. Just make sure to take into consideration who you are making this for and if you will be able to make it special for them. Belul has made something that allows you to share your love with the world. You can get your copy of Say It Now today and let yourself get to creating.

Share your thoughts with us in the comments or on Twitter, @thenerdygirlexp. You can find me on Twitter, @kleffnotes, on my blog,, and on my kleffnotes YouTube channel.




Original post found here.
