| McLuhan Galaxy | New Book Publication Announcement: THE RESPONSIVE CHORD (2nd edition) by Tony Schwartz 23feb17
February 24

| McLuhan Galaxy | New Book Publication Announcement: THE RESPONSIVE CHORD (2nd edition) by Tony Schwartz 23feb17

New Book Publication Announcement: THE RESPONSIVE CHORD (2nd edition) by Tony Schwartz



“The essential guide to how media shape our lives. By the creator of the most talked about political ad in television history.”

The Responsive Chord outlines the way our ways of thinking and communicating have been shaped for centuries by written language and by the difficulty of transmitting information over long distances… and how those habits have been outmoded by instant communications such as television, radio and telephone. Schwartz explores in depth the failure of techniques in advertising and education that are based on the old methods and explains how we must understand the new media, as well as how best to make use of them, giving numerous examples.


click on here for full article: https://mcluhangalaxy.wordpress.com/2017/02/23/new-book-publication-announcement-the-responsive-chord-2nd-edition-by-tony-schwartz/
