If You Were Beginning Your Author Career Today, What Would You Do Differently?
May 31

If You Were Beginning Your Author Career Today, What Would You Do Differently?

The Nonfiction Author's Association asked authors what they would do differently if they were beginning their careers today. Nita Sweeney, author of Depression Hates a Moving Target, shares what she would change. 


If I were to start my writing career over, I would walk through every open door. Timidity did not serve me and neither did self-deprecation. I limited myself when I worried about what others thought. I missed valuable opportunities when I failed to ask for help. I lost precious time as I waited for “the right moment.” Experience brings courage and tenacity. Writing is an endurance sport. Be in it for the long haul, but start now. Start today. The years will fly. Walk through the open doors. Help will appear.

Nita Sweeney, author of Depression Hates a Moving Target.



Read the full article here!
