Huffpost / The Best Relationship Advice I Got From My Parents
December 18

Huffpost / The Best Relationship Advice I Got From My Parents

Listen to what your partner is saying and what they are really saying.

“The best piece of relationship advice I ever received was from my dad who told me to not just listen to my partner but to truly hear what they are saying and where it’s coming from. ‘There’s what they are saying,’ he told me. ‘But also what they are saying.’ That advice has served me very well. My wife is in a very high-powered, high-pressure job. Sometimes, she’ll be stressed out and it will bleed into our home life. If I can really hear her when she talks, I can parse what’s real and what’s the stress talking and avoid unnecessary arguments and additional stress. I can do the same to her, of course, and she has come to heed my father’s sage advice as well. He’s one smart guy.” ― Jenny Block, author of “Be That Unicorn: Find your Magic. Live your Truth. Share your Shine.”




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