From A Loving Place / Dear Fellow Humans: An Open Letter in a Time of Tragedy
January 10

From A Loving Place / Dear Fellow Humans: An Open Letter in a Time of Tragedy


I woke up this morning with a weight on my heart. Seeing the devastation in Australia from their consuming brush fires got me thinking of the humans, animals, and nature that are being destroyed (tears fill my eyes). Imagining my fellow humans in such fear of their unknown futures, and the people who love them who are waiting on pins and needles praying for their safety with desperation in their hearts. I think of the firefighters and volunteers exhausted from what seems to be an endless fight with the power of the flame. 


In these times of natural disaster, I also think about the people who feel the call to do something, whether it be as a first responder or helping others through the aftermath of all the devastation. I think about the people who see what is happening and lend their support in any way that they can, even if it is taking time to say a prayer. 


I’m a believer that we hear calls in our heart to do things, and that we can choose to listen or ignore them, but what we choose will define a piece of our journey. If you feel a call in your heart right now, follow it. See where the call takes you. Trust the energy that is leading you to the highest good. Our calls may be different. Trust your journey. If you are led to get down on your knees and pray—PRAY! If you are led to send money, do the research and send it. If you have resources to help people and/or animals in the aftermath—DO IT! If you have the ability to offer your services in any sort of way, lend a hand. 


There are a lot of devastating tragedies going on in the world today. Your call could be directing you to somewhere else, and that is okay. When each individual answers the call that they hear, we take care of each other. 


That being said please don’t let one person’s poor choices (in any situation) make you go to ALL thinking. No ONE person can represent an ALL of any group whether it be race, religion, country, gender, community, etc. The only thing each and every person is—HUMAN. Let’s not forget our humanity. There are people struggling all around us. Be a light in the world that helps to lift and build, don’t let your energy be dragged down to the darkness of humanity by contributing to the hate. The energy we put out into the Universe matters. Make sure you are putting out energy that you want to see more of in the world. 


We each have our own journeys and hear our own calls. There is a reason you got yours, trust it. 


With Love and Gratitude, 

From A Loving Place

Rachael Wolff








Original post found here.
