Forbes/ 7 Ways To Eat Out And Still Lose Weight
March 08

Forbes/ 7 Ways To Eat Out And Still Lose Weight

It’s no news that eating out is often linked to poor food choices. But with a smart approach, you can maintain a clean diet and even lose a few pounds.

Just ask Fred Bollaci—“The Healthy Global Gourmet” who lost 150 pounds while sampling more than 150 restaurants in one year. (Some are clearly repeats, since he dined out four to five nights plus several breakfasts and lunches per week.)

In his two-part book series, The Restaurant Diet, the foodie influencer shares his doctor-approved game plan, recipes, and personal journey to achieving better health. The first edition—published in January 2018—covers more of the physical approach, with 125 tried-and-true recipes gathered from his personal collection and 100 of the top US restaurants, plus nutrition facts and chefs’ suggestions. The second edition—published in October 15, 2019—highlights Bollaci’s background, including his Italian upbringing and near-death experience from sleep apnea at 30 years old.

As a quick intro to his clean eating and exercise plan, here’s a lightly edited excerpt from his book.


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