Doing Divorce Right/ Why You Should Take a 21-day Hugging Journey
August 01

Doing Divorce Right/ Why You Should Take a 21-day Hugging Journey

Dr. Stone a clinical psychologist and therapeutic coach discovered the transformational power of hugs, and the difference they can make for us personally as well as having a global impact.

Fondly known as "The Hug Doctor," he professes we all share a profound connection.

He advocates for people to live lives full of joyful hugging. He inspires people how to do so literally and metaphorically. An advocate for longer and more meaningful hugs and connective energy that brings acceptance, healing, and peace. It is his joy to explore and teach his pioneering discoveries in his new book Hug Therapy.


Today we’re chatting about: 

The science behind why you should hug for 21 seconds Why you should ask strangers for a hug What a 21-day hug journey looks like The true definition of a hug  

Connect with Dr. Stone:  



Twitter: @doctorktoday



