November 28

"Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters" has a forward by New York Times Bestselling Author Katherine Woodward Thomas

"Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters" by Karen C.L. Anderson now has a foreword by Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times Bestselling author of Calling in "The One" and Conscious Uncoupling.

Here is a sample blurb from the foreword:


"...truth is, you are not your mother’s daughter. You are you. An autonomous adult who is a creature of goodness, light, and love and made up of the magic of Life. A woman who has the ability to take what happened to you in the past, and transform it into greater wisdom, depth and authentic love. And you can now redefine who you are, and what’s possible for you to create in this lifetime that is outside of your relationship with your mother. ... Make this book your best friend. Sleep with it by your bedside. Read it each time you’re about to call your mother to remind you of the power you’re holding to have that conversation go well. Ultimately, I encourage you to use these chapters to help awaken you to who you really are, and the possibilities you’re holding for great healing, health, and happiness. Not in spite of all you’ve been through, but in many ways because of it." 
