18 Illustrations Every Person With Anxiety Should See Immediately
May 10

18 Illustrations Every Person With Anxiety Should See Immediately

Check out this Article by HuffPost Senior Wellness Editor, Lindsay Holmes, featuring our very own Kate Allan!

Anxiety has a way of sending your brain into complete overdrive.

The mental health condition, which affects an estimated 40 million American adults, is notorious for causing excessive rumination and intense worry. It’s common for those living with the issue to think about a mistake and believe they’re worthless or a failure, for example. Or sometimes, a feeling of panic comes up for no reason at all. (And this is all in addition to the physical symptoms, like stomach pains and headaches. Fun!)

Kate Allan, author of the book You Can Do All Things and Tumblr user The Latest Kate, created drawings that are perfect for those days when your anxiety is debilitating to the point where you feel you’re just not good enough. The messages may be just the reminders you need when your brain is stuck in a loop of nasty, negative thoughts that aren’t even true.

Scroll through and read them below as a way to give yourself a little mental pep talk (then repeat as necessary):

Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan
Kate Allan

If you’re living with anxiety, it’s important to know that there are ways to manage it more regularly. If your anxiety becomes debilitating, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional. Reading uplifting cartoons are a great momentary antidote (as are these other psychiatrist-backed ways to handle anxiety when it pops up), but nothing substitutes for good care or treatment. Feeling better is totally possible.

Link to original post: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cartoons-for-anxiety_n_5bacd763e4b091df72ee3e90?utm_campaign=hp_fb_pages&utm_source=lifestyle_fb&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000032&utm_medium=facebook
