Life is a 4-Letter Word with Dr. David Levy
January 20

Life is a 4-Letter Word with Dr. David Levy

Your ticket includes - and is the same price as - the book.


The Last Bookstore is pleased to host Dr. David Levy and his new book, Life Is a 4-Letter Word: Laughing and Learning Through 40 Life Lessons. Please join us for Dr. Levy's official book launch; this event will feature Dr. Levy reading from his new book, Q& A and book signings. Additionally, Dr. Levy will share his sage wisdom learned through his humorous life lessons.


In Life is a 4-Letter Word: Laughing and Learning through 40 Life Lessons, Dr. Levy offers his readers a self-help book that is wisdom-based (rather than being instructional). He shares his teachings in an engaging and humorous fashion; he also shares forty autobiographical essays containing valuable life lessons. Readers will find relatable truths in Dr. Levy's uplifting stories and sage advice.


In addition to being an international bestselling author and psychologist, Dr. David Levy is also a well-known media consultant who has appeared on CNN and National Geographic; he provides the world with expert psychological perspectives on current events. He is also well known character actor and has appeared in many shows, including Cheers, One Day at a Time and Frasier.

From:   January 20, 2020 - 7:30 PM
To:  January 20, 2020 - 9:00 PM