The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Graduates


Give Your College Graduate the Gift of Lifelong Success

Make The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Graduates the perfect college graduation gift.

Equip your college graduate with the essential life skills for success. Based on Stephen Covey's bestselling classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (over 40 million sold), this special edition book empowers graduates with timeless wisdom, positive affirmations, and thought-provoking questions to cultivate highly effective habits, maintain focus, and stay motivated. From conquering challenges to embracing growth, this book provides the guidance needed to navigate the post-graduation journey with confidence and build a fulfilling life.

The perfect graduation gift idea that will leave a lasting impact. Celebrate your graduate's milestone achievement with a gift that inspires and empowers. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Graduates offers practical advice, inspiring quotes, and daily motivation for teenagers entering adulthood. Help them build a growth mindset, challenge their beliefs, and develop the habits necessary for success in various aspects of life. Whether it's finding their career path, building strong relationships, or staying resilient during setbacks, this book provides the tools to thrive.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • Practical guidance to help college graduates develop highly effective habits
  • Thought-provoking questions to challenge and shape their beliefs
  • Daily inspiration with powerful quotes and affirmations for motivation and positivity
  • A proven framework based on Stephen Covey's international bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

If you enjoyed books like The Graduates Handbook, Need to Know for Graduates, Navigating College With the 7 Habits, or The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make, you'll love The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Graduates.

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Haiti A to Z


A Beautiful and Bilingual ABC Book

#1 New Release in Haiti Travel Guides       

Written for preschool kids, Haiti A to Z is an alphabet book with a Haitian twist. Join Imane for a fun jaunt through an illustrated alphabet about Haiti with Creole and English words.

Not your average ABC for kids. This unique book not only teaches your kids the English alphabet, but also provides a bilingual experience that’s infused with Creole to deepen their vocabulary in both languages. For kids of any and all backgrounds; as they journey with Imane through Haitian culture and traditions, they’ll learn English and Creole words through catchy rhymes and beautiful illustrations.

A fun preschool learning aid. This book is crafted to help your child in preschool begin to learn letter recognition. With the colorful illustrations and playful characters, your child will pick-up the letters and words easily─and will hardly want to put the book down. It also includes a glossary at the end of the book to reinforce an understanding of the Creole and English words and their definitions.

By reading this book, toddlers will:

  • Begin to learn letter recognition
  • Develop a multilingual vocabulary
  • Learn about Haitian culture and heritage, and develop an understanding of Haitian traditions

If you enjoyed books like ABC I Love MeI Need You to Know, or T is for Tiger, then you’ll love Haiti A to Z.

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The Female Gaze


Alicia Malone’s Take on Influential Women in Film!

“Once again Alicia Malone champions women filmmakers, opening the floodgates to a great new wave of female voices and creative vision.”―Maria Giese, filmmaker and activist

#1 Bestseller in Movies & Video Guides & Reviews

With the success of the Wonder Woman movies and the results following the outcry of the #MeToo movement, now is the time to highlight the female influences in film history previously left unheard! 

The voices of powerful women in old Hollywood—told. You may have heard the term “male gaze,” coined in the 1970s, about how art and entertainment have been influenced by the male’s perspective. What about the opposite? Women have been making movies since the very beginning of cinema. In The Female Gaze, Alicia Malone explores the ideas, thoughts, and views we learn from women from behind the scenes. What does the world look like through the “female gaze”?

Learn about women who changed the world. Discover brilliantly talented and accomplished women directors, both world renowned and obscure, who have shaped the film industry in ways rarely fully acknowledged. Find mini-essays written by women like Alicia Malone and other diverse female film critics. Featuring past and present films, this behind the scenes guidebook is perfect for the Hollywood history fan in your life.

Inside, observe:

  • How female directors’ voices shaped films and the film industry
  • The advancements and accomplishments of influential women in history and film
  • The lives of these women and the struggles they faced throughout Hollywood history

If you liked Women in Art or Camera Man, you’ll adore the powerful women in history found in Alicia Malone’s The Female Gaze.

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Les 7 Habitudes express


Un guide condensé pour augmenter votre productivité, développer vos compétences clés et gérer votre stress

Le monde change radicalement et il est facile de perdre de vue ce qui compte le plus. Ne tombez pas dans ce piège ! Développez vos compétences en leadership et augmentez votre productivité en appliquant les principes du best seller international les 7 habitudes des gens efficaces.

Découvrez les habitudes qui changeront votre vie professionnelle et personnelle. Cette adaptation du best seller de Stephen R. Covey nous livre de précieux conseils pour devenir plus productif et efficace et enfin atteindre nos objectifs tant sur le plan professionnel que personnel.

Devenez la meilleure version de vous-même. Ce livre est un véritable coach en développement personnel et professionnel. Retrouvez tous les conseils de Stephen R. Covey dans ce guide et soyez prêt à relever les défis du quotidien.

En suivant les principes des 7 Habitudes Express, apprenez à :

  • Développer vos soft skills, l'estime de soi, la pensée positive
  • Rester proactif et améliorer votre productivité
  • Faire face aux challenges et au changement afin de mener à bien votre réussite professionnelle

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un livre sur le management des compétences ou sur le développement personnel tels que Le pouvoir des Habitudes et la 25e heure, ou si vous avez apprécié Les 7 habitudes de ceux qui réalisent tout ce qu'ils entreprennent, alors Les 7 habitudes express sera votre prochaine lecture.

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Les Multiplicateurs


Nous avons tous besoin de plus de multiplicateurs autour de nous.

Dans le monde du travail, il existe deux types de leader et deux styles de management radicalement différents. Certains leaders drainent les capacités et l'intelligence de leurs équipes alors que d'autres les amplifient pour produire de meilleurs résultats.

Vous avez sûrement déjà croisé ces deux styles de management au travail. Le premier draine l'intelligence, l'énergie et les capacités des personnes qui l'entourent et doit toujours être au centre de l'attention. De l'autre côté se trouvent les leaders qui utilisent leur intelligence pour amplifier l'intelligence et les capacités des personnes qui les entourent. Ce sont les leaders qui incitent les employés à se dépasser pour obtenir des résultats qui dépassent les attentes. Ce sont les multiplicateurs. 

Augmentez les performances de votre entreprise. Ayant analysé les données de plus de 150 dirigeants, l'experte en leadership Liz Wiseman a identifié cinq disciplines qui distinguent les Multiplicateurs des Diminueurs. Ces cinq disciplines sont des compétences relationnelles, organisationnelles et managériales à portée de tous et peuvent avoir un réel impact sur la rentabilité de l'entreprise.

Devenez un Multiplicateur. Apprenez à développer vos compétences afin de devenir un Team Leader inspirant. Attirez les talents, engagez vos collaborateurs et stimulez l'innovation.

Ce livre fournit tous les outils vous permettant : 

  • D'identifier concrètement ces deux styles de management et de leadership
  • De découvrir les cinq compétences à mettre en pratique afin de devenir un leader bienveillant et inspirant
  • De mettre en place un environnement de travail stimulant et innovant.

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un livre sur le leadership ou le développement des compétences tels que L’intelligence émotionnelle de Viola Di Russo ou la série Pourquoi de Simon Sinek, alors Multiplicateurs sera le choix idéal pour votre prochaine lecture.

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Management: du chaos au succès


30 challenges faciles à mettre en place pour développer vos compétences managériales et devenir un leader performant

Vos compétences managériales sont sur le point d’évoluer. Être un manager performant n’est pas toujours évident et Scott Jeffrey Miller en a fait les frais. Du chaos au succès, il nous partage ses clés pour devenir un leader inspirant et efficace.

Vous pouvez devenir un grand Team leader. Ce guide changera définitivement votre façon de manager et vous permettra d’instaurer un management opérationnel et stratégique. Devenez le manager que vous auriez aimé avoir, inspirez vos collaborateurs, instaurez le bien-être au travail et développez une vraie culture d’entreprise grâce à ce guide au ton décontracté et à ses 30 challenges applicables au quotidien!

Ces 30 défis vous permettront:

  • De devenir un vrai leader inspirant
  • D’améliorer la performance au travail
  • De créer une vision d’équipe
  • De développer la culture d’entreprise
  • Et d’obtenir des résultats concrets

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un livre sur le management ou le leadership tels que Dream Team ou Manager+ et si vous avez été séduit par l’ouvrage incontournable de Stephen Covey, Les 7 habitudes, alors laissez-vous inspirer par Management Mess!

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The Woman's Book of Strength


Words of Encouragement and Strength for Every Woman

"This book is a powerful guide to fearless living. Sue Patton Thoele teaches women how to honor, embrace, and claim their personal strength and inner wisdom.” —HeatherAsh Amara, author of Warrior Goddess Training

Bestselling author with over 1 million books sold, Sue Thoele, is back with The Woman’s Book of Strength!

Discover your power as a strong confident woman. The Woman’s Book of Strength clothes you in words of encouragement and strength making you feel empowered and courageous enough to act on your heart's desire. It is the perfect companion to grow you in tenacity and compassion. These daily meditations strengthen you to be whole.

Meditate on words of encouragement and strength. This powerful book full of daily meditations drives you to manifest the power of inner peace. It contains over 125 meditations, stories, and words of encouragement for women on becoming stronger, happier, and empowered.

Take advantage of your personal strength. A strong confident woman knows how to balance strength with caring and understanding. This book prepares you with words of encouragement and strength for the biggest and smallest bumps on this road called life. 

The Woman’s Book of Strength offers:

  • Gentle and encouraging methods to increase self-compassion
  • Lessons and tips for owning your strength and inner peace
  • Inspiring stories of empowered women creating positive change

Readers of daily meditation books like Practicing Mindfulness, Meditations on Self-Love, Strength for Each Day, or Powerful Thinking will love Strength: Meditations for Wisdom, Balance & Power.

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Conceptos básicos de Bitcoins y Blockchains


Aprende sobre invertir en Bitcoin, blockchains, y criptomonedas

“Antony nos ayuda a entender claramente los mecanismos de bitcoins y blockchains.” —Rob Findlay, fundador de Next Money

El autor más vendido en inversión de derivados financieros, industria extractiva de recursos naturales, futuros, bancos y bancas, energía y minas, y política monetaria.

Hay mucha información sobre criptomonedas y blockchains, pero para un principiante, esto puede ser indescifrable. Conceptos básicos sobre bitcoins y blockchains ofrece una guía clara sobre carteras digitales, esta nueva moneda y la tecnología revolucionaria que la impulsa.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoin, criptografía y otras criptomonedas. Gana entendimiento de temas relacionados a Bitcoin, precio Bitcoin, moneda Bitcoin, minería Bitcoin, invertir en Bitcoin y los Bitcoins blockchains. Aprende cómo se realizan los pagos y cómo establecer el valor de las criptomonedas y de los tokens digitales.

Aprende qué es blockchain. ¿Cómo funciona? ¿Y por qué es importante? Conceptos básicos sobre bitcoins y blockchains da respuestas a estas preguntas y más.

Aprende sobre minería de criptomonedas y criptomonedas. Conceptos básicos sobre bitcoin y blockchains ofrece una perspectiva confiable de cómo invertir en Bitcoin y otras criptomonedas.  Descubre los riesgos y las estrategias de mitigación, aprende cómo comprar Bitcoins, identificar estafas, y entender el cambio de criptomonedas, billeteras digitales, y regulaciones.

Aprende sobre:

  • Tecnología blockchain y a invertir en Bitcoin.
  • Cómo trabajar en el mercado de las criptomonedas.
  • La evolución y los impactos potenciales del Bitcoin y los blockchains a nivel mundial.

Si has leído Descubre Blockchain, Blockchain Bubble or Revolution, Bitcoin Clarity, The Bitcoin Book, y Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Trading for Beginners, entonces vas a aprender mucho con Conceptos básicos sobre bitcoins y blockchains.

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The Answer Is You


Problem-Solving Requires Innovation, Activism, and You

An important read for those on the journey of making this world better and wondering where to start.” ―Jacqueline Novogratz, founder and CEO of Acumen, author of New York Times bestseller The Blue Sweater

#1 New Release in Volunteer Work, Philanthropy & Charity, and Nonprofit Organizations

People from all walks of life yearn to do something that adds value to others and to be someone who makes a difference in their community and the world.

Now Alex Amouyel is inviting you to become part of the solution. Alex, author of The Answer is You, is the founding Executive Director of Solve, an initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a mission to solve world challenges. Solve finds incredible tech-based social entrepreneurs around the world and funds them to develop lasting, transformational tech-based solutions.

Take action for social impact. The Answer is You is here to inform you that being a change agent starts with doing good deeds and being a community helper. Everyone can do something with the skills and resources they already have─they just need ideas for how. The Answer is You inspires every person to start thinking critically about the problems we face and the solutions we might be able to offer to enact change.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • Motivating and encouraging stories of amazing impact innovators from MIT Solve
  • Guidance on how to take action in the world in big and small ways to get results
  • A path to hope and action for problem-solving in your community and within society

If you like books by women in leadership and enjoyed reading Create the Future + the Innovation Handbook: Tactics for Disruptive Thinking, Believe in People: Bottom-Up Solutions for a Top-Down World, The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators, you’ll love The Answer is You: A Guidebook to Creating a Life Full of Impact.

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Providing Support if Your Child is Transgender or LGBTQ+

Winner of the Sixth Annual Bisexual Book Award for Non-fiction, 2017

#1 Bestseller in Lesbian Studies

Unconditional is a parenting guide book that provides parents of an LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning) child with a framework for helping their LGBT child navigate a world that isn’t always welcoming. 

Tips from a mother with experience. In Unconditional, author Telaina Eriksen, a professor at Michigan State University, explains what she and her husband have learned through the experience of parenting a gay child. She covers topics like how to handle kids coming out, being an advocate for LGBTQ+ children, how to help your child deal with stress unique to LGBTQ+ kids, and finding a LGBTQ+ family. This book is a must read for anyone who thinks their child is transgender or otherwise LGBTQ+.

A guide for supporting your LGBT child. What if my child is transgender? Eriksen covers the science of gender, understanding gender dysphoria, and how to help a transgender child through the stages of development. What if I have more general LGBTQ+ family needs? Throughout the book, both parents and kids share their stories, and Eriksen directs parents to various resources online for help. This LGBT family book teaches the principles of unconditional parenting, love, and learning.

Inside, learn:

  • How to advocate for policies that protect your child
  • Ways to educate well-meaning, but misguided friends or family
  • Strategies keep your kid talking if your child is transgender or LGBTQ+
  • Signs of unhealthy relationships
  • When to consider therapy for your child or your family
  • How to find an LGBTQ+ community (including inclusive churches)

If you liked LGBT books, best sellers like The Gender Identity Guide for Parents, The Savvy Ally, or The End of Gender, you’ll love Unconditional.

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Not Necessarily Rocket Science


Learn from Kellie Gerardi What It's Like to Be a Female Astronaut

“Kellie is probably one of the best ambassadors for spaceflight in the 21st century that the industry could have.” ―Lucy Hawking, author of George's Secret Key to the Universe and host of Audible's Lucy in the Sky.

#1 Bestseller in Astronomy & Space Science, Universe

Follow aerospace science professional Kellie Gerardi’s non-traditional path in the space industry as she guides and encourages anyone who has ever dreamed about stars, the solar system, and the galaxies in space.

Ever wondered what it’s like to work in outer space? In this candid science memoir and career guide, Kellie Gerardi offers an inside look into the industry beginning to eclipse Silicon Valley. Whether you have a space science degree or are looking to learn about stars, Kellie Gerardi’s, Not Necessarily Rocket Science proves there’s room for anyone who is passionate about exploration.

What it’s like to be a woman in space. With a space background and a mission to democratize access to space, this female astronaut candidate offers a front row seat to the final frontier. From her adventures training for Mars to testing spacesuits in microgravity, this unique handbook provides inspiration and guidance for aspiring female astronauts everywhere.

Look inside for answers to questions like:

  • Will there be beer on Mars?
  • Why do I need to do one-handed pushups in microgravity?
  • How can I possibly lose a fortune in outer space?

If you’re looking for women in science gifts, astronomy books for adults, or NASA stories―or enjoyed, the Galaxy Girls book, Letters from an Astrophysicist by Neil deGrasse Tyson, or How to Astronaut―then you’ll love Not Necessarily Rocket Science.

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No Will Set You Free


Break Free and Learn To Say No

We’ve all been taught to seize the moment and say yes without considering the downside. No Will Set You Free empowers you to take back your life and control your own time again.

Be happy to just say “Hell No!”. No, thank you.  Maybe some other time. “No” can come in many shapes and sizes, yet saying it can be difficult. We may think it’s selfish but this simple word is necessary to thrive in life. This informative, self-help-style, learn to say no book helps you discover and follow your true desires, find more time to invest in those you love, and pursue your real interests.

Learn to say “No” finally. Saying no can be hard. Really hard. Author Michael J. Tougias understands. As a former people-pleaser himself, Michael wields a combination of research, personal stories, and proven methods to help us understand our actions and stop saying yes. Through his witty rapport detailing his own setbacks and triumphs, we learn how to stop people-pleasing and how to, ultimately, honor our authentic selves.

Inside No Will Set You Free, you’ll Find:

  • Studies that help us understand our urge to say yes and how to learn to say no
  • Personal stories and anecdotes about the journey to “No”, how it relieves stress, and leads to a more productive life
  • Steps, tips, and tricks to control your life through the power of No

If you liked Boundaries; The Art of Saying NO; or Set Boundaries, Find Peace; you’ll love No Will Set You Free.

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The Happiness Makeover


Become a Happy Person Through Positivity and Self-Care

“A wonderful blend of motivation, inspiration, and explanation, The Happiness Makeover is a recipe for enjoying today and all your tomorrows.”—David Niven, PhD, author of The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People

From M.J. Ryan, one of the creators of the New York Times bestselling Random Acts of Kindness series, The Happiness Makeover teaches you how to be a happy person and enjoy the experience of life again.

Train your brain to be optimistic, even in the darkest situations. From stress management tips to positive and motivational quotes, M.J. Ryan’s positivity book shows you how to transform your mindset so that you can face any difficult challenge thrown your way.

We all want the things that we are sure will make us a happy person—money, success, independence, and love. But when we finally get them, we can find to our surprise that we are the same miserable, moody, or unhappy person we always were. Do things have to be that way? Absolutely not!

Cultivating the ability to feel contentment is the key. There are people whose lives are full of serious challenges who nevertheless feel peace and joy—and there are those who have few difficulties in life and yet feel hopeless negativity. You can teach yourself to be a happy person and enjoy your days. M.J. Ryan, the bestselling author of The Power of Patience and Attitudes of Gratitude, shows you how in this positive thinking guide. 

The Happiness Makeover gives you a plan that can help you:

  • Clear away happiness hindrances like worry, fear, envy, and grudges
  • Discover happiness boosters with gratitude and hope
  • Rewire your brain to experience joy
  • Learn to think optimistically and be a happy person

If you enjoyed optimism books and positivity books like A Year of Positive Thinking, The Happiness Trap, or Habits of a Happy Brain, then you’ll love The Happiness Makeover.

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You Deserve Nice Things



Find Your Daily Peace and Relax Your Mind With TheLatestKate’s Art Therapy Activities

A gently supportive and encouraging coloring book by Kate Allan, creator of TheLatestKate and author of You Can Do All Things, perfect for those dealing with anxiety.

Soothing art therapy from an empathetic source. In You Deserve Nice Things, Kate draws strengths from her own struggles with depression and anxiety. Each design gently argues against negativity that can come from low self-esteem and helps you on your journey towards managing anxiety. 

Experience real anxiety relief through art therapy activities. Each page of the You Deserve Nice Things coloring book offers a supportive animal friend with a message of comfort, understanding, and mindfulness. Find inner peace and tranquility while coloring these uplifting, cute animals.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • 96 coloring pages, full of inclusive illustrations suitable for all ages and skill levels.
  • A collection of fun and sweet drawings that sparkle with comfort and provide anxiety relief 
  • Stress-relieving art therapy activities that will help you find relaxation from the daily grind of life 

If you enjoyed coloring books that help with managing anxiety like Amazing Dogs: Adult Coloring Book or Mindfulness Coloring Book for Adults, you’ll love You Deserve Nice Things. Check out Kate Allan’s affirmation books You Can Do All Things, You’re Strong, Smart and You’ve Got This and It’s Your Weirdness that Makes You Wonderful, as well as her Thera-Pets card deck!

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ABCs of LGBT+ Guided Journal


The Perfect Journal for Identity and Gender Expression (Ages 12-16)

#1 New Release in Teen & Young Adult Composition & Creative Writing

The official companion journal to The ABC’s of LGBT+, bestseller in transgender studies, bisexuality, and sexuality & pregnancy, The ABC’s of LGBT+ Guided Journal is the how-to journal for processing all things LGBT+, from gender expression and identity to anything on the queer spectrum.

It feels good to be yourself. We are living in a post-binary world where gender fluency, gender expression, and gender identity are necessary to understand. LGBT literature can be helpful, but paired with this guided journal you’ll meet yourself , affirm your truth, and process your thoughts and feelings through thoughtful prompts.

The best LGBTQ teen workbook from an expert. Ash Hardell, one of the most trusted voices on YouTube, presents a detailed look at all things LGBT+. And with all that information comes a lot of self-reflection. This official companion journal helps you on that journey as you find your way and learn how to be yourself—completely.

Inside you’ll find:

  • Journal prompts to help you process your emotions
  • Blank pages to unleash your inner thoughts 
  • Words from an expert: Ash Hardell

If you liked lgbtq self help books like Beyond the Gender Binary, Gender Identity Workbook for Teens, or The ABC's of LGBT+, you’ll love The ABCs of LGBT Guided Journal.

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Afirmaciones atrevidas


Badass Affirmations

Afirmaciones positivas y frases motivadoras para mujeres poderosas

“No matter how you use it, there can be benefits for you and your daily life.”―Nerdy Girl Express

#1 Bestseller in Popular Culture, Quotations, Women’s Studies, Love & Marriage Humor, Self-Esteem, LGBT, and Trivia

Afirmaciones atrevidas está repleto de afirmaciones positivas y de semblanzas de heroínas poderosas de la vida real. Este libro es el regalo perfecto de empoderamiento femenino, tanto para ti como para tus mejores amigas.

Las mujeres poderosas necesitan afirmaciones positivas. Ninguna mujer se levanta de la cama sabiéndose increíble y lista de tener un día estupendo. Muchas veces nos encontramos apresurándonos, trabajando arduamente para complacer y hacer felices a los demás en vez de pensar en nosotras mismas. Afirmaciones atrevidas detiene la negatividad con hechos y pasajes sobre mujeres empoderadas.

Descubre citas y afirmaciones motivadoras de mujeres poderosas. En Afirmaciones atrevidas, la reina de las afirmaciones y de la vida positiva Becca Anderson te recuerda que eres bastante increíble. Con este libro de afirmaciones motivadoras, te llenarás de entusiasmo con frases inspiradoras hechas por y para mujeres. Junto a estas frases de empoderamiento femenino obtendrás un nuevo conocimiento, a través de una mezcla de biografías breves y perfiles extensos, de las mujeres increíbles que han dejado huella en este mundo. Y cuando termines de aprender sobre estas mujeres temerarias, te reafirmarás con ejercicios de escritura en tu diario.

Lee Afirmaciones atrevidas y:

  • Aprende el hábito de afirmarte cada día
  • Empodérate y refuerza tu autoestima
  • Serás motivada por anécdotas divertidas, palabras sabias y dichos atrevidos

A los lectores de libros de afirmaciones y frases positivas para mujeres como Let That Sh*t Go, A Year of Positive Thinking, o Beautifully Said les encantarán las frases inspiradoras que encontrarán en Afirmaciones atrevidas.

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Girls on Film


Girls on Film: Witty Life Lessons from Alicia Malone

#1 Best Seller in Photography Criticism & Essays, Movie Guides & Reviews, Movie Reference

With humor and honesty, Girls on Film looks at the good, the bad, and the unfairly written women in film. This collection celebrates the power of cinema, media, culture and the faces of girls on film.

Insiders from a Nerdy Film Lover. Weaving together life lessons with movie history, film reporter Alicia Malone celebrates the power of cinema and the women who shone brightly on the big screen, while also critiquing hidden messages in films. Alicia connects film analysis with her own journey of self-discovery—from growing up as a nerdy film lover in Australia to finding her voice as a woman on television.

Each Movie has a Hidden Message. What messages and life lessons have been taken from these movies of the past—positive, negative or sometimes, both? Alicia Malone highlights many films, some with life changing moments and others with a tribute to feminist authors and messages.

In this modern approach to film reviews and women, you’ll find essays on:

  • Hidden messaging and life lessons in films
  • The journey of women's history in film
  • Breakdowns on movie stereotypes like the the femme fatale

Women nonfiction lovers who enjoyed Where the Girls Are, or feminism books like Extraordinary Women In History, When Women Invented Television, or Renegade Women in Film and TV, will love Girls on Film.

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Random Acts of Kindness


Random Acts of Kindness ─ Inspirational Stories

Make a commitment to spread kindness wherever you go. Being kind doesn't cost anything, but it can mean the world to those around you.

What if all of a sudden everyone started performing daily good deeds? This inspiring collection presents true stories of people who've committed, received, and observed voluntary acts of kindness. Hearing their stories reveals how these simple, small acts of goodness can have a profoundly positive effect in the world. The true stories, thoughtful quotations, and suggestions for generosity in this book will inspire you to live more compassionately and be a kinder person.

Join the kindness movement. In 1995, a small group of people at Conari Press, including M.J. Ryan, Will Glennon, and Dawna Markova, came together around the idea that small gestures and simple acts can make a difference in people's lives. Thus, Random Acts of Kindness was born, but they had no idea how big this little idea would become. Soon, instead of the usual two or three letters from readers, they were getting bags of mail from readers submitting their own acts of kindness and stories of compassion. Now, twenty-five years later, over one million copies have been sold and it is a worldwide movement, with National Random Acts of Kindness Week, celebrated each February.

An inspirational gift of kind words. Sometimes the smallest gesture makes the biggest difference. This little book shows how to start—with the small, with the particular, with the individual—in order to make a difference in the world. It features:

  • True stories about acts of kindness and generosity of spirit
  • Suggestions for living more compassionately
  • Inspirational quotes to get you started

Readers of motivational books and stories like Chicken Soup for the Soul: Random Acts of KindnessA Pebble for Your ThoughtsI've Been Thinking…, or You Can Do All Things will love the encouraging, inspirational stories in Random Acts of Kindness.

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