Courage Doesn't Always Roar


Discover Your Inner Courage

“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'" —Mary Anne Rademacher

#1 New Release in Humanist Philosophy

Written initially as part of a longer poem and featured in a gallery show in 1985, these words by Mary Anne Rademacher defining courage have traveled the globe.

Defining courage in a beloved quote. The quote has been featured in ceremonies of all sorts and included in sports and network news broadcasts. Oprah has included it in her magazine and journalists include it in “top ten” lists across many disciplines and categories. And, it is among the most beloved quotes on cards, posters, journals, and gift books.

Bravery comes in many forms. Rademacher insists in her book that we overlook opportunities for growth and personal celebration by shrugging off courageous acts of perseverance with, “I just did what I felt I had to do.” Courage shows itself in many ways from having the courage to heal, to change habits, to learn and begin anew, or even to speak up for yourself.

Defining courage with daily inspirations. This daily companion for women, men, or anyone who wants to change for good, and live a bolder, more courageous life may be the perfect addition to the start of your day or the key to letting go and ending your day right. Featuring an introduction from courage specialist, Candace Doby, Courage Doesn't Always Roar begins as an invitation to recognize all of the ways courage, and the associated risk, show up on ordinary days. 

Inside you’ll find:

  • Keys to finding and defining courage in your everyday life
  • 180 entries covering all aspects of courage, like: resilience, thresholds, choices, grace, and more
  • Mental health-friendly inspirations meant to shape the way you think about courage

If you liked Courage is Calling, Inward, or Designing the Mind, you’ll love Courage Doesn’t Always Roar

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Graduates


Give Your College Graduate the Gift of Lifelong Success

Make The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Graduates the perfect college graduation gift.

Equip your college graduate with the essential life skills for success. Based on Stephen Covey's bestselling classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (over 40 million sold), this special edition book empowers graduates with timeless wisdom, positive affirmations, and thought-provoking questions to cultivate highly effective habits, maintain focus, and stay motivated. From conquering challenges to embracing growth, this book provides the guidance needed to navigate the post-graduation journey with confidence and build a fulfilling life.

The perfect graduation gift idea that will leave a lasting impact. Celebrate your graduate's milestone achievement with a gift that inspires and empowers. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Graduates offers practical advice, inspiring quotes, and daily motivation for teenagers entering adulthood. Help them build a growth mindset, challenge their beliefs, and develop the habits necessary for success in various aspects of life. Whether it's finding their career path, building strong relationships, or staying resilient during setbacks, this book provides the tools to thrive.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • Practical guidance to help college graduates develop highly effective habits
  • Thought-provoking questions to challenge and shape their beliefs
  • Daily inspiration with powerful quotes and affirmations for motivation and positivity
  • A proven framework based on Stephen Covey's international bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

If you enjoyed books like The Graduates Handbook, Need to Know for Graduates, Navigating College With the 7 Habits, or The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make, you'll love The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Graduates.

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Les 7 Habitudes express


Un guide condensé pour augmenter votre productivité, développer vos compétences clés et gérer votre stress

Le monde change radicalement et il est facile de perdre de vue ce qui compte le plus. Ne tombez pas dans ce piège ! Développez vos compétences en leadership et augmentez votre productivité en appliquant les principes du best seller international les 7 habitudes des gens efficaces.

Découvrez les habitudes qui changeront votre vie professionnelle et personnelle. Cette adaptation du best seller de Stephen R. Covey nous livre de précieux conseils pour devenir plus productif et efficace et enfin atteindre nos objectifs tant sur le plan professionnel que personnel.

Devenez la meilleure version de vous-même. Ce livre est un véritable coach en développement personnel et professionnel. Retrouvez tous les conseils de Stephen R. Covey dans ce guide et soyez prêt à relever les défis du quotidien.

En suivant les principes des 7 Habitudes Express, apprenez à :

  • Développer vos soft skills, l'estime de soi, la pensée positive
  • Rester proactif et améliorer votre productivité
  • Faire face aux challenges et au changement afin de mener à bien votre réussite professionnelle

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un livre sur le management des compétences ou sur le développement personnel tels que Le pouvoir des Habitudes et la 25e heure, ou si vous avez apprécié Les 7 habitudes de ceux qui réalisent tout ce qu'ils entreprennent, alors Les 7 habitudes express sera votre prochaine lecture.

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Les Multiplicateurs


Nous avons tous besoin de plus de multiplicateurs autour de nous.

Dans le monde du travail, il existe deux types de leader et deux styles de management radicalement différents. Certains leaders drainent les capacités et l'intelligence de leurs équipes alors que d'autres les amplifient pour produire de meilleurs résultats.

Vous avez sûrement déjà croisé ces deux styles de management au travail. Le premier draine l'intelligence, l'énergie et les capacités des personnes qui l'entourent et doit toujours être au centre de l'attention. De l'autre côté se trouvent les leaders qui utilisent leur intelligence pour amplifier l'intelligence et les capacités des personnes qui les entourent. Ce sont les leaders qui incitent les employés à se dépasser pour obtenir des résultats qui dépassent les attentes. Ce sont les multiplicateurs. 

Augmentez les performances de votre entreprise. Ayant analysé les données de plus de 150 dirigeants, l'experte en leadership Liz Wiseman a identifié cinq disciplines qui distinguent les Multiplicateurs des Diminueurs. Ces cinq disciplines sont des compétences relationnelles, organisationnelles et managériales à portée de tous et peuvent avoir un réel impact sur la rentabilité de l'entreprise.

Devenez un Multiplicateur. Apprenez à développer vos compétences afin de devenir un Team Leader inspirant. Attirez les talents, engagez vos collaborateurs et stimulez l'innovation.

Ce livre fournit tous les outils vous permettant : 

  • D'identifier concrètement ces deux styles de management et de leadership
  • De découvrir les cinq compétences à mettre en pratique afin de devenir un leader bienveillant et inspirant
  • De mettre en place un environnement de travail stimulant et innovant.

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un livre sur le leadership ou le développement des compétences tels que L’intelligence émotionnelle de Viola Di Russo ou la série Pourquoi de Simon Sinek, alors Multiplicateurs sera le choix idéal pour votre prochaine lecture.

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Management: du chaos au succès


30 challenges faciles à mettre en place pour développer vos compétences managériales et devenir un leader performant

Vos compétences managériales sont sur le point d’évoluer. Être un manager performant n’est pas toujours évident et Scott Jeffrey Miller en a fait les frais. Du chaos au succès, il nous partage ses clés pour devenir un leader inspirant et efficace.

Vous pouvez devenir un grand Team leader. Ce guide changera définitivement votre façon de manager et vous permettra d’instaurer un management opérationnel et stratégique. Devenez le manager que vous auriez aimé avoir, inspirez vos collaborateurs, instaurez le bien-être au travail et développez une vraie culture d’entreprise grâce à ce guide au ton décontracté et à ses 30 challenges applicables au quotidien!

Ces 30 défis vous permettront:

  • De devenir un vrai leader inspirant
  • D’améliorer la performance au travail
  • De créer une vision d’équipe
  • De développer la culture d’entreprise
  • Et d’obtenir des résultats concrets

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un livre sur le management ou le leadership tels que Dream Team ou Manager+ et si vous avez été séduit par l’ouvrage incontournable de Stephen Covey, Les 7 habitudes, alors laissez-vous inspirer par Management Mess!

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Conceptos básicos de Bitcoins y Blockchains


Aprende sobre invertir en Bitcoin, blockchains, y criptomonedas

“Antony nos ayuda a entender claramente los mecanismos de bitcoins y blockchains.” —Rob Findlay, fundador de Next Money

El autor más vendido en inversión de derivados financieros, industria extractiva de recursos naturales, futuros, bancos y bancas, energía y minas, y política monetaria.

Hay mucha información sobre criptomonedas y blockchains, pero para un principiante, esto puede ser indescifrable. Conceptos básicos sobre bitcoins y blockchains ofrece una guía clara sobre carteras digitales, esta nueva moneda y la tecnología revolucionaria que la impulsa.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoin, criptografía y otras criptomonedas. Gana entendimiento de temas relacionados a Bitcoin, precio Bitcoin, moneda Bitcoin, minería Bitcoin, invertir en Bitcoin y los Bitcoins blockchains. Aprende cómo se realizan los pagos y cómo establecer el valor de las criptomonedas y de los tokens digitales.

Aprende qué es blockchain. ¿Cómo funciona? ¿Y por qué es importante? Conceptos básicos sobre bitcoins y blockchains da respuestas a estas preguntas y más.

Aprende sobre minería de criptomonedas y criptomonedas. Conceptos básicos sobre bitcoin y blockchains ofrece una perspectiva confiable de cómo invertir en Bitcoin y otras criptomonedas.  Descubre los riesgos y las estrategias de mitigación, aprende cómo comprar Bitcoins, identificar estafas, y entender el cambio de criptomonedas, billeteras digitales, y regulaciones.

Aprende sobre:

  • Tecnología blockchain y a invertir en Bitcoin.
  • Cómo trabajar en el mercado de las criptomonedas.
  • La evolución y los impactos potenciales del Bitcoin y los blockchains a nivel mundial.

Si has leído Descubre Blockchain, Blockchain Bubble or Revolution, Bitcoin Clarity, The Bitcoin Book, y Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Trading for Beginners, entonces vas a aprender mucho con Conceptos básicos sobre bitcoins y blockchains.

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The Answer Is You


Problem-Solving Requires Innovation, Activism, and You

An important read for those on the journey of making this world better and wondering where to start.” ―Jacqueline Novogratz, founder and CEO of Acumen, author of New York Times bestseller The Blue Sweater

#1 New Release in Volunteer Work, Philanthropy & Charity, and Nonprofit Organizations

People from all walks of life yearn to do something that adds value to others and to be someone who makes a difference in their community and the world.

Now Alex Amouyel is inviting you to become part of the solution. Alex, author of The Answer is You, is the founding Executive Director of Solve, an initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a mission to solve world challenges. Solve finds incredible tech-based social entrepreneurs around the world and funds them to develop lasting, transformational tech-based solutions.

Take action for social impact. The Answer is You is here to inform you that being a change agent starts with doing good deeds and being a community helper. Everyone can do something with the skills and resources they already have─they just need ideas for how. The Answer is You inspires every person to start thinking critically about the problems we face and the solutions we might be able to offer to enact change.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • Motivating and encouraging stories of amazing impact innovators from MIT Solve
  • Guidance on how to take action in the world in big and small ways to get results
  • A path to hope and action for problem-solving in your community and within society

If you like books by women in leadership and enjoyed reading Create the Future + the Innovation Handbook: Tactics for Disruptive Thinking, Believe in People: Bottom-Up Solutions for a Top-Down World, The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators, you’ll love The Answer is You: A Guidebook to Creating a Life Full of Impact.

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The Happiness Makeover


Become a Happy Person Through Positivity and Self-Care

“A wonderful blend of motivation, inspiration, and explanation, The Happiness Makeover is a recipe for enjoying today and all your tomorrows.”—David Niven, PhD, author of The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People

From M.J. Ryan, one of the creators of the New York Times bestselling Random Acts of Kindness series, The Happiness Makeover teaches you how to be a happy person and enjoy the experience of life again.

Train your brain to be optimistic, even in the darkest situations. From stress management tips to positive and motivational quotes, M.J. Ryan’s positivity book shows you how to transform your mindset so that you can face any difficult challenge thrown your way.

We all want the things that we are sure will make us a happy person—money, success, independence, and love. But when we finally get them, we can find to our surprise that we are the same miserable, moody, or unhappy person we always were. Do things have to be that way? Absolutely not!

Cultivating the ability to feel contentment is the key. There are people whose lives are full of serious challenges who nevertheless feel peace and joy—and there are those who have few difficulties in life and yet feel hopeless negativity. You can teach yourself to be a happy person and enjoy your days. M.J. Ryan, the bestselling author of The Power of Patience and Attitudes of Gratitude, shows you how in this positive thinking guide. 

The Happiness Makeover gives you a plan that can help you:

  • Clear away happiness hindrances like worry, fear, envy, and grudges
  • Discover happiness boosters with gratitude and hope
  • Rewire your brain to experience joy
  • Learn to think optimistically and be a happy person

If you enjoyed optimism books and positivity books like A Year of Positive Thinking, The Happiness Trap, or Habits of a Happy Brain, then you’ll love The Happiness Makeover.

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Jefa in Training


Step-by-Step Toolkit to Turn Your Passion Project into a Successful Business

“...a much-needed guide for all of us who need a blueprint to becoming a successful entrepreneur.” —Eva Longoria, award-winning actress, producer, director, activist, philanthropist and CEO of UnbeliEVAble Entertainment

#1 New Release in Hispanic American Demographic Studies

Women, now is the time to build your enterprise. Jefa in Training is the only Spanglish project-launching toolkit and female entrepreneur planner specially made for a new generation of boss women.

A solopreneur and small business guide. A business startup planner and toolkit for women in leadership, business, and beyond, Jefa in Training offers women entrepreneurs the female empowerment needed to take a side hustle to the next level. Whether it’s learning to define your brand, set up a beta test group, or draft an LLC operating agreement, this compendium of lessons, anecdotes, worksheets, templates, and quotes teaches the next generation of women in business how to work for yourself and turn your ideas into something much bigger.

A Latina book by Latinas, for Latinas. Solopreneurs and creatives, you are invited to let go of your fears and finally launch your blog, project, or platform. Jefa in Training isn’t your typical small business book. Part Latinx book, it is a conversation with a special tribe of Latina immigrants, Hispanic American generations, and women of color in financial, media, entrepreneurial, and creative spaces. Explore a more complex view of Latinidad, covering everything from imposter syndrome to micro-aggressions and bilingualism.

Inside find: 

  • Author's first-hand experiences
  • Guest stories from successful business-women in Latinx companies
  • Worksheets and more!

If you’re looking for Hispanic books, women entrepreneur books, women leadership books, or women of color gifts―like Mind Your BusinessThe Memo, In the Company of Women, or De Colores Means All of Us―then you’ll love Jefa in Training.

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The Prepared Graduate


Professional Advice About Career Preparation for Soon-To-Be College Grads

“This book is so real and honest! I wish I had this when I first started out in my career....Every parent should read this book and then gift it to their child! ” —Nancy Barrows, MS CC-SLP, LAUSD educator & speech language pathologist 

#1 New Release in Career Development Counseling and Vocational Guidance

This book of professional advice about career preparation may be the best college graduation gift you’ll receive.

Too many people end up working jobs they didn’t study for. It’s time you proactively prepare for post-graduate life. The Prepared Graduate speaks to Generation Z and Millennials, addressing many of the concerns students (and parents) have about pre- and post-graduation. Kyyah Abdul offers extensive job search tips and work advice, such as guidance on writing the perfect résumé, excelling in job interviews, networking in-person and online, negotiating job salaries, paying off student loans, and more.

Rely on trusted guidance. Armed with first-hand experience with the lack of preparation universities provide their students, Kyyah set out to forge her own path for finding relevant work post-graduation. Her strategies helped her land jobs in several STEM positions both during and after college. Over time, Kyyah created a comprehensive roadmap chockfull of work advice for college seniors through summer up until the end of their first year as a graduate.

The Prepared Graduate is the perfect college graduation gift that provides:

  • Guidance on finding the right path for career success
  • An easy-to-follow roadmap with advice about career preparation
  • Endless job search tips

If you enjoyed What Color is Your Parachute? (2021); Brag Better: Master the Art of Fearless Self-Promotion; or You Turn: Get Unstuck, Discover Your Direction, and Design Your Dream Career, you’ll love The Prepared Graduate.

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Strikingly Different Selling


Superior Sales Success

#1 New Release in Global, Direct, and Industrial Marketing

You are competing with the top salespeople in your industry for the same customers. For each sales opportunity there is only one winner.

What separates a “winner” from the rest of the very best and makes them “strikingly different”? Six years of focused research involving more than 2,800 sales professionals from 135 countries reveals the 6 vital skills that separate top sales performers from the herd. Learn what it takes to be that one winner!

What really works to stand out and sell more? In their book Strikingly Different Selling, Dale Merrill, Scott Savage, Jennifer Colosimo, and Randy Illig (the sales performance experts at FranklinCovey) reveal the secrets to consistent, predictable sales success.

The 6 Vital Skills. The author team found that most consultants and sales professionals believed they were doing a great job in their client interactions. Yet 70 percent of the time client executives felt their meetings with sales professionals were a waste of time. To the authors, this was a major surprise. But, for the “Strikingly Different” sales professionals, there were six things they did to consistently outperform their competitors and radically change their client interactions and results.

Go from being just one of the sales crowd to the superior choice. Read Strikingly Different Selling: 6 Vital Skills to Stand Out and Sell More and learn the details behind the 6 skills.

The 6 vital skills to stand out and sell more: 

  • Capture Attention with Verbal Billboards
  • Create Excitement with Movie Trailers
  • Build Confidence with Flashbacks and Flashforwards
  • Become Essential with “Why Us!” Differentiators
  • Get Curious and Find the Gaps
  • Navigate Traffic Lights and Close the Gaps

If you have found books such as SPIN SellingThe Challenger SaleTo Sell is HumanThe Secrets of Closing the Sale, or Start with Why to be useful; then your next read should be Strikingly Different Selling

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 15th Anniversary Infographics Edition


The eBook Companion to the #1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century

“…Dr. Covey's emphasis on self-renewal and his understanding that leadership and creativity require us to tap into our own physical, mental, and spiritual resources are exactly what we need now." —Arianna Huffington

Commemorate the timeless wisdom and power of Stephen Covey’s cherished classic, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and do it with this Special Edition eBook Companion.

One of the most inspiring and impactful books ever written. Dr. Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has captivated readers for over 30 years and sold over 40 million copies internationally―transforming the lives of presidents and CEOs, educators, parents, and students. Now you too can learn critical lessons about the habits of successful people and enrich your life. 

A highly readable and understandable eBook format. Want to discover life-changing habits that can propel you toward a more productive and effective life? This eBook Companion offers an efficient―yet in-depth―guide to becoming your best self and reaching your goals. Improve personal and business health with the timeless wisdom and power of Dr. Covey’s cherished classic, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and do it with this handy eBook format.

Less stress, more success. By devoting just minutes each day, you can develop the principles needed to stay proactive and positive:

  • Break free of old beliefs
  • Move toward meaningful change
  • Develop positive behaviors


You may also want to try The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: 30th Anniversary Card Deck, The 7 Habits on the Go: Timeless Wisdom for a Rapidly Changing World, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: 30th Anniversary Guided Journal.

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Guided Journal


A Personal Growth Journal to Build Effective Habits  

“If you follow this simple process, I promise that you will see positive changes in your relationships and find a higher level of personal satisfaction in your life.” ―Sean Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

#1 New Release in Strategic Business Planning

How do you manage your time and stay organized? Whether you’re struggling to stay motivated or are looking for new high-performance habits, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Guided Journal offers journal prompts, worksheets, and exercises to help you accomplish all your short and long term goals. 

Goal setting just got easier. When The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was released as a card deck, audiences approached Stephen R. Covey’s time-tested principles in a whole new way. Now, this companion journal gives readers a chance to craft inspiration into action. Its concise format is accessible and easy to stick with. Each habit is broken down into a weekly format inspiring both beginners and seasoned 7 Habits readers to get motivated, build confidence, and boost inspiration and personal growth.

Cultivate success, skill, and self-growth. Featuring thought-provoking prompts, worksheets, and self-development quotes that teach you how to achieve your goals, this is the ultimate guided self-growth journal.

Inside, find: 

  • Journaling prompts for self-discovery and to build confidence and self esteem
  • Worksheets for strategic time management and deeper learning of the 7 Habits 
  • Self-motivation tips, exercises, and challenges for optimal goal achievement

If you enjoyed books like The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleThe 52 Lists Project, or The High Performance Planner, you’ll love The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Guided Journal

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Build Better Teams


High Performing Teams Foster Healthy Business Cultures and More!

Build Better Teams is an insightful book offering leaders a compelling and practical team building ‘code’ to optimize team performance.”—Professor Amy C. Edmondson, Harvard Business School

Want to learn how to be a good leader today? Build Better Teams is an efficient tool to develop highly effective leaders along with their high performing teams in the post-Covid remote and hybrid working world.

Learn how to be a good leader today! The workplace is constantly changing so learn how to navigate the changes with Build Better Teams. Most leadership management books are difficult to read, but George Karseras, executive team development coach and founder of TeamUp, has clearly laid out proven tools and examples to produce high performing teams. Learn about necessary and timely techniques to cultivate highly effective leaders at all levels of your organization. 

Team engagement in real-life examples! Learn how to be a good leader today! Combining over twenty years of experience in team development, Build Better Teams breaks down the historically poor track record of team engagement in organizations, references well-researched and relevant academic studies, and equips leaders with practical tools and techniques. Karseras includes stories, examples, and tips in a casual, easy to read format. These practices are great for hybrid or fully remote/virtual teams.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • Techniques and tools on how to foster high performance in your team
  • How to develop a strong business culture and obtain leadership goals
  • How to cultivate highly effective leadership styles and practices

If you're looking for diversity training books or books for leaders like Stick Together, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, or Team of Teams, then you’ll love Build Better Teams.

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Le Guide du dirigeant: Nos biais inconscients


Évitez les biais cognitifs et améliorez vos performances au travail

Le biais cognitif est un mécanisme de pensée affectant tout individu. Cela se traduit par une altération du jugement, affectant ainsi nos prises de décision. Au niveau professionnel, celles-ci peuvent entraîner de graves conséquences, aussi bien sur le plan humain que stratégique.

Prenez les bonnes décisions. Avec plus de 30 techniques et outils vous permettant d’identifier les biais cognitifs et d’éviter les distorsions, vous apprendrez à prendre des décisions stratégiques justes et non basées sur le jugement et l’intuition.

Devenez un manager performant. Ce guide changera votre façon de manager et vous livrera de précieux conseils en ressources humaines pour recruter les bonnes personnes, inspirer vos collaborateurs, et développer vos compétences managériales. Grâce aux conseils d’experts, faciles à mettre en place, devenez un leader inspirant!

Dans ce livre, apprenez à:

  • Identifier les biais cognitifs et comprendre la neuroscience
  • Cultiver votre curiosité et votre empathie
  • Développer le potentiel de vos collaborateurs
  • Augmenter la performance de vos équipes et obtenir des résultats concrets

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un livre sur le management et la stratégie d’entreprise tels que Vous allez commettre une terrible erreur! ou Dream Team et que vous vous intéressez à la neuroscience, alors vous devez lire Le Guide du dirigeant : Nos biais inconscients.

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Plan and Organize Your Life


To New Beginnings

Achieve Your Personal Goals with Organization and Good Habits

#1 New Release in Crafts, Hobbies & Home; Organizational Learning; Time Management; and Business Project Management

Learn about how to get more out of life, reach your personal goals, develop good habits, and create meaningful work from YouTube, podcast, and Instagram star Beatrice Naujalyte.

Start planning for success. Plan and Organize Your Life is a comprehensive and interactive “planning bible,” packed with proven advice on how to organize your life, create new habits, and how to work your way towards true self-improvement and personal growth.

Achieve your personal goals. In Plan and Organize Your Life, author Beatrice Naujalyte introduces us to the four pillars of an intentional life: planning, organization, productivity, and routines. With simple tools, such as a day planner, you’ll be able to master effective note taking and utilize minimalism in your workspace and homelife.

Design a system that works for you. This book is the ultimate guide to developing a planning system to effectively execute your personal goals daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Whether you have professional, personal, or creative planning to do, this book helps you accomplish your personal goals, big or small, by creating new habits and setting realistic goals.

Perfect for everyday use, Plan and Organize Your Life is packed with:

  • Tips and prompts on organization for your everyday success
  • Time and task management tools to help you reach personal goals
  • Productivity tips for personal growth and forming good habits

If you enjoyed books like Beautifully Organized at Work, Habits, or The Lazy Genius Way, you’ll love Plan and Organize Your Life.

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Your Next Level Life


Celebrating and Empowering Black Lives and Black Authors

Black Business Woman, Claim Your Power!

“Learn from one of the most powerful women in the USA, who has been blazing trails and creating sustainable million-dollar wealth from Washington DC to the sands of Abu Dhabi.” ―Natascha Faye Saunders, associate director at Harvard University

Winner NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Instructional Literary Work

If you’re a Black business woman and feeling stuck or trapped by other people’s expectations of what you can achieve, it’s time to stop playing small and start redefining what success means for you. It’s time to get that upgrade.

Channel your black girl magic.  Karen Arrington―author of Your Next Level Life, founder of the Miss Black USA Pageant, creator of the Next Level Women’s Summit, and mentor to thousands of confident, successful young black women―is your guide to getting to your next level life.

Build a legacy of black excellence. How big do you want to live? With the seven simple rules in Your Next Level Life, you’ll learn how to bring your career, income, and lifestyle to that next level. Don’t settle for a life of invisibility and mediocrity. Set ambitious goals, reach for bigger opportunities, and know that you are brave enough to get what you deserve.

Give the gift of confidence. Looking for inspirational black gifts for aspiring black women in business? Your Next Level Life is unlike other self-help books for women. It’s a guide to opportunity that recognizes and celebrates the true magic of ambitious black women.

Adopt the 7 rules of power, confidence, and opportunity and you can find success:

  • Create all the money you need
  • Position yourself like a star
  • Connect with other powerful women

Give a gift of confidence. If you have read books such as Pussy Prayers, Be Unapologetically YouLead from the Outside, or The Little Black Book of Success, you’ll love Your Next Level Life.

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Living a Purposeful Retirement


Your Personal Roadmap to a Meaningful and Happy Retirement

So you’ve reached your retirement age and are at risk of becoming a “couch potato”. It doesn’t have to be that way. Uncover the joy of retirement and learn how to make the most of it with this life-enhancing retirement gift book.

Did you just set up a permanent out of office reply? Are you officially signed up for the Ferris Bueller phase of your life? Learn how to enter what can be the most satisfying life stage—a new world of happy retirement and good living.

Wisdom and advice from real retirees. From the award-winning author of Purposeful Retirement and celebrated “Father of Time Management,” Hyrum Smith, this retirement gift book for the newly retired provides inspiration and a newfound purpose. Filled with wisdom, advice from real retirees, and enthusiasm, you are encouraged to discover your true passion, re-imagine your life, and try new possibilities.

Realize the hidden magic of a happy retirement:

  • Move on from your world of work
  • Discover your true passions
  • Re-imagine your life

Retirement is a gift. Make yours one that is meaningful and filled with curiosity, new experiences, and discovery—after all, if you don’t look around once in a while, you could miss it!

If you enjoyed life-changing books such as The Total Money Makeover, The Ultimate Retirement Guide for 50+, or Keys to a Successful Retirement, then you’ll love Living a Purposeful Retirement.

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